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bailing, China, , United States
나는: 여자
나이: 27 | 생물학보기
위치: China, Texas, United States
마지막 활동: 05-07-22 | 블로그보기

Daily Power Consumption Of Ice Cream Freezer
나에 대해서
When summer arrives, there are all kinds of ice cream, ice cream and other cold drinks in street vendors or shopping malls and supermarkets, and ice cream in the ice cream freezer . You really want to eat it. But after all, the temperature is high in summer. If there is no refrigerated place like refrigerator and freezer, it is difficult to get good storage conditions for our favorite frozen food. However, when the freezer is used, power consumption has become a problem, so many people have asked to calculate how much power the freezer consumes in a day. However, most refrigerators and freezers now promote energy conservation and environmental protection, and basically do not consume much electricity.
In addition to refrigerators and freezers, there are also foam boxes, quilts or ice packs, dry ice, frozen mineral water, and other ways to refrigerate ice cream. But according to records, the longest storage time is about five or six hours, which is still the storage time under cool con
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