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Structure Of 12v Dc Freezer

  Imiyalezo & Iimvo  

The power consumption of the 12V DC Freezer is divided into rated power consumption and actual power consumption. The rated power consumption is the power consumed when the freezer is in a stable operating state at an ambient temperature of 25°C and running for 24 hours. The actual power consumption refers to the electrical energy consumed by the refrigerator in actual use. The actual power consumption of the refrigerator is sometimes higher than the rated power consumption, and sometimes lower than the rated power consumption. The actual power consumption varies with the freezer environment, the amount of food stored, the control temperature in the box, the number of times and duration of door opening However, the higher the ambient temperature, the more food is stored, the lower the temperature-controlled in the box, the more times the door is opened, and the longer each time the door is opened, the greater the power consumption of the refrigerator. On the contrary, the lower the power consumption.

An increase in ambient temperature will slow down the heat dissipation of the freezer, and slow down the temperature in the box, which will lead to a longer boot time and an increase in power consumption. As the ambient temperature rises, due to the large temperature difference between the inside and outside of the refrigerator, the heat dissipation rate of the insulation layer of the cabinet will also increase, which will cause a large amount of cold to be dissipated, resulting in shorter downtime, longer response time, and increased power consumption. According to the experimental data analysis of the ordinary freezer, when the ambient temperature reaches 32℃, the power consumption is about 2 times that at 25℃, and the power consumption at 30℃ is about 1.6-1.8 times that at 25℃.

  • EyeThupha 17 2021 e 02:10

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