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China Industrial Sprocket Company Introduces The Classification Of Lubricants

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The type of lubrication of the chain will vary depending on the way the chain is used. Most chain transmissions will use drip lubrication and oil bath lubrication, as well as oil spray lubrication and oil rope lubrication. Drip lubrication is generally used for faster, long-interval conveyor chains. For example, the chain of baking equipment, the chain of textile equipment, etc. The characteristics of this lubrication method are: good lubrication effect, less waste, without any restrictions, but poor lubrication uniformity. For high-speed transmission chains, oil injection lubrication is mostly used. The characteristics of this lubrication method are: good lubrication effect, good uniformity, certain limitations, but large waste. Oil bath lubrication is generally used for closed chain transmission.

China Industrial Sprocket Company introduces the classification of lubricants:

A: Mineral oil-based chain lubricants without solid lubricants
B: Mineral oil-based chain lubricants containing solid lubricants
C: Synthetic base chain lubricant without solid lubricant
D: Synthetic base chain lubricants containing solid lubricants
E: Aerosol type chain lubricant
F: Chain grease

Through the above introduction, China Conveyor Chains Company hopes that you can simply refer to the content of this article in future use.

  • Lulju 25 2021 fi 22:54

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