Tilt & turn windows are an innovative window solution. They open in two distinct ways; tilting in from the top for ventilation and swinging fully open for access to the window’s exterior. They are a popular choice in high rise installations but are also used in regular two storey and single storey properties.
Tilt & turn windows security capacity
Tilt & turn windows are a popular window choice for homeowners across the UK. One question we regular receive, however, from customers considering tilt and turn windows for their home is: ‘Are tilt & turn windows secure?’ Because of their wide opening capacity, people are often concerned about their security capacity. These concerns are, however, completely unnecessary.
Tilt and turn windows are in fact one of the most secure window styles. They are often viewed by glazing specialists as more secure than other window styles because to ensure that the window functions properly during both opening actions, extremely strong hardware and multi-point locking systems must be used. This enhances the tilt and turn window’s security rather than reducing it, making tilt & turn windows one of the safest windows available today.
Safe and secure tilt & turn windows
We install a range of high performing uPVC and aluminium tilt and turn windows. All our tilt and turn windows are fitted with high security locking systems as standard. We have installed tilt & turn windows on a wide variety of properties from multi-residency high rise buildings to two storey terraced homes and even single level bungalows.
As a professional sliding lock supplier, we accept all kinds of window hardware orders, welcome to consult. https://www.nboulai.com/